Thursday 3 May 2012


Salvador Dali 

Salvador Dali 

Salvador Dali 

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci 

Leonardo Da Vinci 

Claude Monet 

Claude Monet

Claude Monet

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso
Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol
Henri Matisse

                                                                         Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse


Easy Eyeliner Tips:

Excessive Angle :
Extend a line from the line above or below the tab beyond a few millimeters can ruin your makeup makes it look too vulgar. These licenses may be allowed for the already famous supermodels, but at street level is a real attack on the rules of elegant beauty.

Pulse Bad :
The haste and lack of control over pieces of very bad for the line of eye conditions. Take your time, make a line into several parts (with three different strokes, for example) and concentrate on the perfect thing ... just a matter of time !

Lines Are Too Thick:
One thing is to control the stroke to get the shape you want (in the thin tears and wider toward the end, usually) and quite another to use the profiler as if it were a paintbrush. Take the time necessary to work a minimum line may receive or any lack of ideas or resources and techniques for using this product.

Elegant Style :
Although it depends on your style, not at all recommend some techniques 'modern' as a double line at the corner of my eye or two points after the end of it. It is a strange and rather vulgar.

Sensitive Eyes :
If this is your case do not be insolent and avoid all things that can hurt your eyes in the sense of aesthetics and health. For example, liquid eyeliner too close to tears or scratches on the bottom line of eyelash can cause eye irritation and itching, and consequently spread like a stain on your makeup.

Lipstick Tips and colours:

Lipstick as a power all to its own. It’s a well known that fact that most men feel red lipstick is just downright sexy! Not only is red lipstick color sexy, doing the totally opposite and pair up a pale lipstick color with smoky eyes makeup and you are a force to be hold! To get away with wearing a bold lipstick color one must always play down the rest of your makeup.

The number one tip is you must remember you must wear either bold lipstick with minimal eye makeup or smoky eyes with a nude lipstick or just lip gloss. But not both at the same time! It just makes you look overdone and takes away from your appeal.

Did you know the right shade of lipstick can make your entire face look brighter, clearer and more radiant? Pick the wrong shade and it will you look too pale and washed out.

How do you pick the right shade of lipstick?
The best way is to base the lipstick color by your skin tone. Here are a
few tips for picking your everyday lipstick shade.

Fair Skin: This skin tone looks best flattered by pale pinks and
berries. This does not mean frosty shades of pink either. Wear a
pink close to the same shade as your lips to really stand out.

Medium and Olive Skin: This skin tone looks their prettiest in
shades of apricots, beige's, and bronzy nudes. Again try wearing a
shade closes to your own lips.

Dark Skin: This skin tone is really complemented by mauves,
sheer reds and berries.

All skin tones need to stay away from frosty shades of any color because
it will just wash your face out as well as out-date you.
Those shades went out in the 80’s and need to stay there!